
Taxik Part III

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Fiftyshadesofkay's avatar

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I kept that jacket for as long as I could stand but with every step I felt it weighed me down as a symbol of the organisation that gave me everything and then took it away, I was still in denial that this was actually my fault.
One day I threw it off, threw it away and ripped it to spreads with my razor sharp threads. It had been a good idea at the time but I forgot in this world; it rained a hell of a lot. I thought of portaling to another world but I didn't find the point and I wondered if maybe somewhere in this huge world my friends were still here. So I stayed, despite freezing my ass off little by little every day.

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

"So cold…" my voice was barely louder than a whisper. I fell against the hard concrete wall, which only intensified the cold coursing through my body. My hair was wet and dripping, my clothes drenched and my skin was verging on blue. My fingers were numb and I could hardly even summon my strings, let alone a portal.
I tumbled to the floor, my trousers ripped in contact with the rough ground. "d-damnit…" I breathed out a shaky breath and couldn't believe what a hopeless state I was in. I was furious. But since being away from Spedrox the ability to believe in emotions became harder and harder and the only emotions I could still access were ones of hatred and anger.
My eyes were clouded with the heavy down pour and I gave up, I closed my eyes and let go, one word escaped my lips in a breathy whisper, "Spedrox".

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was I was dry, comfy and warm.
I bolted upright and looked down to noticed I wasn't freaking wearing anything!!
I grabbed onto the covers that had been draped over myself, the room was dimly lit by candles and I so warm and cosy it was unbelievable. I wriggled my toes and could feel the softness of the sheets and actually didn't mind being naked. That sounds so weird. But the sheets and covers were so soft, I haven't felt anything as soft since and I cant even begin to explain the feeling and the mattress was so squish and lovely and I sunk right in. I led back and put my hands behind my head, making sure the sheets covered my chest and I nearly fell right back to sleep without questioning where I was or why I was there.
"Oh! You're awake,"
I turned to the door and found the source of warmth. It was a medium height thin boy with auburn hair and golden eyes and a healthy glow about his complexion, his nose was short and rounded and his eyes were slanted and cat like: they contrasted and make him look oddly beautiful and undeniably feminine. I don't know how I knew he was causing the warmth in the area, or how he was doing it but I was so sure.
"uhm…" I faltered, only for a second and then suddenly the cold and collected me seemed so much more accessible than the beaten and broken me. So I pushed the hurt part of me away and dug up my old bossy and demanding self. "Where the hell am I?"
The beautiful boy blinked and made his way to my bed and the warmth intensified, but not so that it was uncomfortable. "You're at my friends house, she found you passed out in the rain."
I nodded, making sure my strong gaze never left his until he felt to awkward too hold my gaze anymore and he looked down to the bed. "And who the hell are you?" I continued trying to keep the smirk off my face from winning the short lived staring contest.
He looked up, bright once more, "my name's Nerox."
I nodded, "a nobody I assume,"
His grin grew wider and I could see sets of perfectly white teeth past perfectly shaped pink lips, I was actually beginning to doubt he was a he at all.
"Yeah, I am. I take it you are too?"
I nodded and put my hand out, firmly gripping it and noting the flash of pain in his eyes, "I'm Taxik, how old are you Nerox?"
I let go and nodded, "you've got plenty of time for that grin to be wiped off your face then."

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

So Nerox lived with a stunningly frightful woman called Lisbyx. She was as pale as Unfaltered's castle and her hair was green. Nerox was a fire wielder which explained his ability to warm up the area around him and despite being a seemingly nice kid I couldn't help but feel a grudge against any fire wielding Nobody. Lisbyx however I had deep respect for. She reached six foot and still wore the highest heels, she looked after Nerox with a stern mother-like act and she had a tongue that could stretch two meters, she was part lizard and owned power over said creatures which deeply interested me because she was the only Nobody I had ever meant with a power so similar to Spedrox's.
With nowhere else to go I stayed with the odd duo for a long time, every day going out into the city and looking for my friends, but to no avail. Lisbyx and Nerox helped me in return for me helping with odd errands to other worlds. They had a weird lifestyle, which made them seem so human, but we all knew otherwise.
I didn't know how long they wished to live like this. It seemed they were stuck in this rut of a mother/son relationship and had no intention of moving on. I however had a goal to find my friends and when I found them we would finally start working towards the Divine Purpose.
One night I asked Lisbyx if she and Nerox would like to join me, but she denied my offer, "not the lifestyle for me Taxik."
I frowned, and replied in my typical rude manor, "oh I understand you're lifestyle is acting older than your years and to sit here pretending"
She laughed, a hissed and wonderful laugh, "You think I'm the one pretending? From what you have told me I even doubt your 'superior' would've let the two original offenders to even survive, I think what you and your 'Spedrox' have is a act of compassion towards two Nobody's who were just being loyal, but still betrayed the organisation."
For once, I was stunned into silence.
"And this divine purpose nonsense? How on earth do you expect to 'gain a heart'?"
"Kingdom hearts!" I burst out and only earned more laughter from the older woman, which angered me more, "it's possible! There are whole organisations built on finding Kingdom Hearts!"
She tsk'ed in her motherly way which I found agonisingly patronizing, "and have any succeeded?"
"I'LL BE THE ONE TO SUCCEED!" I yelled jumping from my chair so fast it fell away beneath me. I left that night and didn't come back for two days. Two days straight I looked far and wide for my friends and when I came back, frozen and soaked Lisbyx and Nerox took me back, and I truly felt hopeless.

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

I stayed with Lisbyx and Nerox for about half as long as I did in Organisation Unfaultered, so I assume about half a year and I never gave up on my friends despite Lisbyx's taunting tone every time I came back empty handed. Actually rather than stop me it pushed me onwards, it made me determined to prove her wrong, but it seemed I was going out on my search on my own more and more. I think Nerox had just become bored of the constant searching in a city where a road was truly no different to the next. Empty. Empty roads, empty streets, empty buildings and empty creatures. I think I made him realise how hopeless this city was, and it caused pain to finally settle into those too bright golden eyes.
When I returned one night I overheard the two of them talking.
"Child, you seem so down nowadays," came Lisbyx's smooth and silky voice.
"It's the constant searching, I thought for sure Lardia was out here somewhere, maybe even Dan but this whole city is so empty and useless, I'm beginning to feel like we're the only ones in this entire world."
"Don't be down, this world is bigger than any other, and it is full of Nobody's who wish not to be found. Taxik's cause is a lost cause, because this world was meant for nothing to ever be found,"
I felt a weight on my chest that I didn't like so I crawled into bed without greeting the other two. I related this heavy feeling to what a heart must feel like within your chest and I savoured it rather than worried, but I could only do so for so long. As I drifted close to sleep I wondered if my cause really was a lost one.

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

"Taxik wake up!"
Nerox's voice had never sounded so demanding, and in that second I decided it suited him much more. "W-waaah?" I rubbed my eyes as the door was slammed open and Nerox was blowing fire down the hallway.
I jumped up and screamed, "Nerox what the hell is going on!?"
"Under attack! We've got to get out of here!" he jumped up and grabbed my arm but I ripped it away from him and swung around to kick the window open, using my strings I grabbed the younger boy and all but threw him out of the room, with myself following shortly, once safely on the ground I looked up to the building which we had occupied. It was raining but only just barely and the concrete tower among many others was set alight like a torch in the dark, the smoke trailed up into the sky and blended with the dark clouds that never seemed to brighten.
I turned to Nerox who was staring at his home with scared golden eyes.
"Where's Lisbyx?" but the second I uttered the words I realised I didn't need to be told, I looked to the building and felt a odd prickling sensation in my eyes.
"Sh-she said to get you out…"
"Who attacked?" I whispered, because the atmosphere seemed far too delicate suddenly.
"Mindless stupid heartless, lower nobodies…dusks…"
I nodded numbly; it was a normal occurrence in this world, sadly.
"Nerox I have to go. I'm going to keep searching for my friends. I don't care what you and Lisbyx say I will find them,"
Nerox finally looked away from the flaming building and stared at me, "but what about me?!" anger entered his voice and once again I decided it suited him so much better.
"You're going to go and find an Organisation. And in that organisation you will find someone and love someone and then find something worth fighting before because this life you had with Lisbyx was pointless! You'll find someone and be happy damnit and make the most out of whatever it is that we have!" and then suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me once on the lips.
"Thank you."
I stared then shook my head, "get the fuck out of here," I tried to sound harsh but couldn't keep the grin off my face.
He smirked, and I decided that suited him better than his cheesy grin and he started to walk and as he walked he was enveloped into darkness and to this day I hope he did everything I asked of him.

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III

I wandered the city for ages, knowing that once I got fed up, once I didn't find my friends for the millionth time, I wouldn't even have anywhere left to go. I felt bad that Lisbyx had died but I couldn't think about it because every time I did I pictured her fading bit by bit into the darkness and then her face changed into Toxin's and then Drix's and Xellabs and the thought of all of them dieing made me sick. Drix and Xellab had to be alive they just had to be.
But even if they weren't, I wouldn't stop. I'd still push on, I'd still find Spedrox and I'd still work towards the divine purpose, and I would do it in the name of those that I'd lost.
And with that thought I walked with new determination, my boots clicked against the floor, the rain poured down hard today and drenched me once again from head to toe, even the wind rushed through the air, and suddenly the sky flashed a bright blue, illuminating the surrounding area.
And in that flash the next few months flew by. Rain, and cold and breaking into those pointless empty buildings for shelter, feeding off the darkness and I can honestly say that's when it happened. That's when my mind tilted, when my sanity slipped away a little…
I was desperate for my friends, I was a fierce fighter but a lowly creature hanging onto life, I was really no more than a dusk in a human's body.

III o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o End Part Three o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o III
Memoirs of the Fifteenth Member

# Voila!!! Part three, read enjoy~

Thanks so much for reading

# If your character is mentioned and you'd like me to post a disclaimer to them tell me, I totally understand if you do, but understand I use alot of characters so will only be noting them down if you tell me you want me to

# Part I: [link]
Part II:[link]
Part V: [link]

# Kingdom Hearts concept belongs to Square Enix
Organisation Unfaltered belongs to ~OrgUnfaltered / =AcyddXRainbows
Taxik belongs to Me *VerticalyChallenged
© 2010 - 2024 Fiftyshadesofkay
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Neonnailvarnish's avatar
This is getting better as it goes on I swear.
I'm like... ffffff jealous.
Just keep writing it.